Thursday, February 11, 2010


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled onto your blog looking for hope after infidelity. I've been reading and weeping...empathizing and praying. My husband had an affair almost four years ago, but the emotions are just as raw as the day he told me. We are together. We both hate what happened. However, I struggle so often (sometimes daily) with thoughts of the other woman...thoughts of insecurity....some days I justify just "not caring" about my spouse because...well it's just not the same. I am a born-again, saved by grace alone Christian and yet I struggle with this part of my life. Only few on the planet know about this...we received counseling from our pastor who my husband revealed everything to right after he did to me. But the counselling didn't last long. Now if I am ever struggling with the after effects of infidelity, my husband never allows me to talk about it. "It's history"..."Don't ever bring it up"... I'm not trying to hurt him by doing so, but honestly I think about it when I don't even want to. It's just there and real and it hurts. We have three small children together. I struggle with falling in love with him again. I know I can love and forgive him and Jesus is working on my heart to love him without seeing his sin as his sin is no worse than my sin....but yet...I struggle. Is any of this making sense?

I just wanted to thank you for your courage in putting up this blog. I'm wondering how you two are doing...are you still together? How did you overcome the second affair? Please post again when you have time. Praying for the both of you. This is so hard, but you are not alone. Our marriage has survived infidelity...but it's still not the same. We watch the movie "Fireproof" often. We both read our Bibles and pray. But so often we forget until the hurt returns. I know forgiveness is about letting go, but how can one forget? We'll be in an intimate moment, and my insecurity resorts to thoughts of that time. I feel some days I can't escape it. I know freedom is in Christ and I should know better, but I feel haunted by a cloud that's draping over me. Forgive my rambling on here, but I just needed to get this out. Thank you for your vulnerability here. May God bless you and restore you. He is the Great Physician. All glory to Him. In His Love, a reader